Friday, June 27, 2008

Home Depot Launches CFL Recycling Program

Good news! On Tuesday, Home Depot announced that it will now accept used, unbroken compact fluorescent bulbs in all 1,973 of its stores in the United States, creating the nation’s most widespread recycling program for the bulbs. Best of all, Home Depot’s program will accept any manufacturer’s bulbs.

I went by the midtown Home Depot yesterday to verify that they were indeed collecting CFLs for recycling. First, I looked for signs similar to the one pictured above, but there weren't any. Next, I asked the Service Desk representative. She said she didn't know anything about a CFL recycling program. I mentioned the New York Times article and she said she would ask someone else.

She disappeared into the office for a few minutes and then reappeared. "Yes, we do!" she informed me enthusiastically.

"Great, where are you putting them?" I asked, hoping for a photo op.

"You can just give them to me and I will put them in our hazardous waste bin in the back," she said.

"I don't actually have any with me today," I said. "I was just checking." I thanked her and made my way to the check-out.

Hopefully over the next few days/weeks(?) local Home Depot employees will be educated on the recycling program and signs will be put in place to inform customers of this exciting news. I'll check back.

Photo by Alan Zale for The New York Times

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