Tuesday, May 15, 2012

United Way: Big Check, Big Praise

The culmination of MLGW’s annual United Way campaign is usually defined by a big check made out to United Way of the Mid-South. But there’s a lot more to our effort than just the donations.

The Division’s United Way campaign involves a lot of legwork, organizing and communication leading up to pledges and donations. The volunteer Steering Committee starts organizing and planning in the summer. The 2011 campaign featured a new element, Walk United in June which will be held this year on June 23, and a basketball tournament was held in mid-October. Key Persons who “rally the troops” in each department get training in October leading up to the campaign and your pledges in early November. Then everything has to be tallied.

Recently, it was time to thank everyone. MLGW’s United Way co-chairs, Steering Committee and Key Persons gathered at the Training Center on Jan. 27 to be recognized and thanked for their hard work during the campaign. Those attending enjoyed a luncheon, words of praise from MLGW and United Way leadership, and tokens of gratitude. It was a celebration of a successful campaign held during difficult economic times. MLGW’s United Way campaign raised $635,162 this year, very close to meeting its goal of $651,438. “The highlight of the event, Jerry Collins ‘treated’ us with his United Way rap,” said co-chair Allena Hutcheson, Water Matrix Mgr.’s Ofc. “We fell a wee bit short of our goal, but all things considered – we did good.”

Members of the Steering Committee also joined organizations from around the area for United Way’s annual meeting at the Peabody on March 1, where companies who were top donors were recognized and thanked. MLGW was seventh overall in giving, quite an accomplishment since all donations come from employees – which means YOU, MLGW United Way donors, deserve much gratitude, as well.

MLGW President and CEO Jerry Collins Jr. read some poetry at the annual meeting. “About two sentences into the poem he threw the paper off the podium, said this wasn’t working, got his ‘back-up groupies’ to clapping in time and did the poem in rap,” said Allena. “We were unaware he was going to do this, but I was in hopes that he would.  No one was expecting it.  Needless to say - it got a good laugh and lots of applause.”

MLGW’s next United Way events will be the Golf Tournament and Walk United, both slated for June. See VIP’s Volunteer Calendar for details.

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