Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Family that Bowls Together

Every year, a group of dedicated MLGW bowlers heads for Billy Hardwick’s All Star Lanes on White Station for the annual bowl-a-thon known as Bowlin’ on the River. It’s all part of a fundraising tournament that benefits Junior Achievement and involves teams from several organizations around the Memphis area.

MLGW’s bowling teams arrived Saturday, February 18 to compete in what is always a fun tournament. And the competition was fierce! Best of all, the MLGW teams exceeded their fundraising goal of $15,000 for this year, raising $18,718.50 for Junior Achievement’s youth programs.

“We hope the event continues to grow and we appreciate everyone’s support in these harsh economic times,” said Dianna Dean, Engineering VP’s Ofc., who helps coordinate MLGW’s participation in the bowl-a-thon each year. “We didn’t have all the lanes in play, but we were still able to exceed the fundraising goal as if all 40 lanes had been filled. It was awesome!”

MLGW’s own Ashlee Oliver, Information Tech., served as DJ, playing great music that kept the teams hyped and pumped. In accordance with MLGW’s Living Well Plan and healthy alternatives, the participants were served Chick Fil-A chicken minis, juice and coffee instead of the usual heavy, high-in-calories-and-sugar doughnuts. 

Valerie Whitlow’s Team won the fundraising competition with a total of $1,990.60. Team members were Valerie Whitlow and Tracey Smith, Comp./HRIS; Tamara Nolen, Comms. & PR; Von Goodloe, VP - HR; and Thomas Causey, Cust. Engrng. - SSC. Tracey Smith reported the highest individual contribution with $685.80. Way to bowl ‘em over, guys! Thanks goes out to all who participated.

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