Friday, February 6, 2009

CFLs, Bag Monsters, and Insulation...Oh My!

I've been trying to give our MLGW Facebook page as much attention as I'm giving our blog. If you haven't visited it lately, take a peek.

The big news though is that I learned how to create an application that allows Facebook users to send each other virtual energy saving tools. Tools you can send include a CFL, a Bag Monster, insulation, a TVA kit, an Energy Smart kit, a visit from the Energy Dr., storm windows, reusable water bottles, tankless water heaters, and more.

It's fun! If you are on Facebook, give it a try!

MLGW Energy Saving Tools Application

Now, I know some people are wary of applications because in order for them to work, you have allow the application to access your personal information. My understanding is that is because it needs to update your profile with your items, notify people when you send them something, etc. MLGW does not gain access to any of your personal information. This application is just for fun and will hopefully get people thinking about things they can do to make their homes more efficient and possibly inspire them to change some energy wasting habits. The application page has explanations of each item and information about it saves energy.

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