Here's one to bookmark!
Deforest Your Life
By Valerie Reiss for Women's Health
Ah, stuff. We need it, we want it, we love it. Until we hate it, get bored with it, or wear it out. Sure, some of it winds up in the green bin or goes to Goodwill. But chances are, you're sending a lot of things that have a shot at a second life to spend their final days in a landfill. Here are some of the treasures and trash we toss--and the websites ready to snatch them up.
Why: Trashed discs don't decompose, really--ever.
How: Go to (you pay for shipping); it accepts the disc and all its packaging, including sleeves, jewel cases, DVD cases, and paper.
Perks: KOs toxic chemicals
Cell phones, PDAs, and phone accessories
Why: They can be traded in for cash or overhauled and given to survivors of domestic violence.
How: For cash, go to; to help out, go to (both offer free S&H).
Perks: offers cash back, helps those in need, free shipping, KOs toxic chemicals
Why: They're loaded with hazardous chemicals like lead and mercury, and about 133,000 of them are tossed every day.
How: Go to to junk computers or monitors.
Perks: offers cash back, free shipping, KOs toxic chemicals
General electronics
Why: Americans toss 2 million tons of e-gear annually, releasing toxins into the air and water. Trashing electronics can send metals like gold and silver to landfills, necessitating more mining.
How: Costco members can recycle computers, camcorders, digital cameras, printers, faxes, game systems, monitors, and PDAs for a Costco Cash Card (go to and click on "electronics"). Office Depot stores take most of the above, plus VCRs, DVD players, TVs, and peripherals, for a fee ($5 to $15, depending on the amount; Sony provides free drop-off locations for many of its products (
Perks: offers cash back, KOs toxic chemicals
Why: Most components of MP3 players don't decompose.
How: If you're not keen on pawning your iPod on Craigslist or it has finally died, return it to an Apple store and get 10 percent off your upgrade. Or ship it for free via snail mail (get the address at
Perks: offers cash back, free shipping
Printer cartridges
Why: You can get cash for your empties, and recycling one laserjet cartridge saves three quarts of oil.
How: Go to (free S&H), or go to to unload HP inkjet or laser-jet cartridges (they don't offer you cash back, but shipping is free).
Perks: offers cash back, free shipping, KOs toxic chemicals
Printers, peripherals, software, and computers
Why: Charities, schools, and public agencies can use them.
How: Find an organization through; they'll typically come and pick up your stuff.
Perks: free pickup, helps those in need, KOs toxic chemicals
Rechargeable batteries and cell phones
Why: Toxins from these items can leach into the waste stream.
How: Toss lithium ions into bins at Target, Best Buy, and other retailers (full list at The Rechargeable Battery Recycling Corporation also refurbishes and sells phones to benefit charities.
Perks: helps those in need, KOs toxic chemicals
Regular batteries
Why: Americans use 3 billion per year, creating 100,000 tons of waste annually.
How: will take them off your hands for a fee (weight x $0.85 + S&H).
Perks: KOs toxic chemicals
Business attire
Why: Low-income women receive interview- and career-worthy ensembles.
How: Find drop-off locations or mailing addresses at (you pay S&H).
Perks: helps those in need
Formalwear and accessories
Why: Disadvantaged girls in the Chicago area can be Cinderella for prom night.
How: The Glass Slipper Project takes dresses, shoes, evening bags, jewelry, and unused makeup. Go to (you pay S&H).
Perks: helps those in need
Polartec fleece and base layers
Why: Worn-out threads become brand-new duds.
How: Patagonia will take your threadbare items. Drop them off at a retail store or mail them (you pay S&H). Get more info at
Why: Your cruddy kicks are converted into athletic and playground surfaces.
How: Find drop-off stations or a mail-in address at (you pay S&H). (Breakaway on Union takes old sneakers and offers $10 off your next purchase!)
Perks: helps those in need
Why: You can help stock libraries and schools worldwide with textbooks, dictionaries, and children's books.
How: Go to for info.
Perks: helps those in need
Why: About 3.5 billion pounds of carpeting gets dumped each year, but you can give it a second life as roofing shingles or railroad ties.
How: Find a local reclamation center at
Perks: KOs toxic chemicals
Home, office, and outdoor furniture, appliances, and supplies
Why: They get new lives at needy schools and nonprofits.
How: Go to ($5 annually).
Perks: helps those in need
Why: Compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs) contain mercury--one bulb's worth can pollute 6,000 gallons of water.
How: Order a recycling kit at; there's also free CFL drop-off at Home Depot.
Perks: KOs toxic chemicals
Why: Support people-powered transportation and provide free wheels to needy kids.
How: Find participating community donation programs on (Don't forget Revolutions housed at First Congo!)
Perks: helps those in need
Outdoor equipment
Why: Your used camping gear (boots, bags, tents) goes to youth hiking programs, park rangers in Afghanistan, and female porters in Uganda.
How: Go to (you pay S&H).
Perks: helps those in need
Workout equipment
Why: Cash for dust collectors.
How: Try
Perks: offers cash back
Toxic leftovers
Why: Anything with a caution label shouldn't go in a landfill.
How: Find takers at (Hazardous Waste Disposal at Shelby Farms Tuesday and Saturday mornings!)
Perks: KOs toxic chemicals
Why: Traditional burial sinks tons of wood and thousands of gallons of formaldehyde, a known carcinogen, into the earth.
How: Arrange to have your ashes poured inside an environmentally friendly concrete Reef Ball and go under. Fishy kisses for all eternity. (
Perks: KOs toxic chemicals
A Bit of Give and Take
You've got it. They want it. See how this works?
Join communities working toward landfill extinction. Post things you don't need; scroll for stuff you don't have. Membership is free, as is everything on the site.
Where old clothes become art. Join up, trade unloved duds, and learn from local artists how to make them hip.
Do good--without having to do much work. List items you want to "throw" to any U.S. or international charities; interested recipients can contact you about pickup.
Memphis and the Evolution of “A Billion”
4 days ago
Wow! That is an awesome list, several I've never even heard of! Thank you for the great info!
This is fantastic list. I wonder if you've had a chance to update it since 2008? In particular, I've got a drawer full of old household batteries (AA, C, D, AAA, etc.) that I'd like to recycle, but I hate to have to pay to do so. Any idea if someone locally will recycle them? I called Batteries Plus and they told me to throw them away. Thanks,
rob, try the household hazardous waste drop off in shelby farms. they do not charge for household waste, including batteries.
thank you I really appreciate it
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