The Event Industry is one of the most wasteful in the world. The Dream Reborn hired Seven Star Events to oversee resource recovery. They implemented a comprehensive recycling, composting, and landfill diversion program into the conference.
Resource Recovery Stations were set up throughout the conference with color coded bins for mixed recycling (plastics, metals, glass, & paper), organics and compostable materials, and landfill items. There was even a special receptacle for leftover liquids.
Speaking of liquids, rather than purchasing bottled water for participants, The Dream Reborn utilized large water dispensers and provided drinking glasses.
At lunch, iced tea was available in large dispensers and participants could get Numi tea packets from the registration table if they preferred a hot drink. Not offering bottled water and/or canned beverages greatly reduced waste at the conference.
Exhibitors were asked to follow a "Leave No Trace" policy in which they only brought the bare minimum of brochures, did their best to create zero waste and made sure to leave with everything they brought. With this in mind, we designed the MLGW booth to be simple and self-contained. We had some brochures, but also encouraged visitors to go to our website or contact us directly for more details on the programs that we were promoting (EcoBuild, Green Power Switch, Energy Doctor, and EnergySmart Memphis). In addition, this display can and will be reused.
Finally, the Dream Reborn is making a contribution to two local parks as a way to offset the carbon footprint created by attendees who had to travel to the event.
I'll be posting more about what actually went on at the conference, but you can also see videos and read staffers' blogs on the The Dream Reborn website.
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