The City’s recycling program, Recycle Memphis, is also excellent. There was much fanfare over the recently added option of recycling cardboard curbside. Considering many food items are packaged in cardboard, this addition allows people to significantly reduce the amount of trash that they generate.
I just learned that the City’s recycling program also accepts paper, mail, and junk mail! After getting used to recycling paper at the office, I am thrilled about this. In keeping with our ID Theft precautions, I suggest sifting through junk mail before recycling it to make sure it doesn’t contain any personal information. And remember, you can significantly reduce the number of catalogs that come to your house with services like Catalog Choice.
By eliminating cans, bottles, plastic containers, cardboard, paper, mail, and junk mail from our garbage cans at home, it leaves very little to actually be thrown away. Just think what a difference it would make in our community if everyone used the City’s curbside recycling program to its fullest!
For a full list of recyclable items, visit Recycle Memphis.
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