Tuesday, April 5, 2022

MLGW launches Outage Improvement Advisory Team Meetings (OIAT)


The first of several Outage Improvement Advisory Team Meetings (OIAT) was held on March 17 at the Benjamin L. Hooks Central Library. Yesterday was the second meeting. Over the next few months, the OIAT will examine power outages and ways to improve the MLGW power restoration process. The 52-member team consists of community stakeholders from MLGW, the City of Memphis, Shelby County government, neighborhood associations, non-profits, and surrounding municipalities representing MLGW’s 439,000 customers.
The first session was an overview and understanding of the Electric Distribution System. The second meeting is scheduled for April 14 from 9 a.m. to noon. These meetings are livestreamed on MLGW’s YouTube channel and are saved to be viewed any time. MLGW customers are invited to engage in the process through questions/feedback at
memphistn.gov/mlgw/ regarding tree trimming, underground lines, response time, overall infrastructure, suggestions for improvement, and more. The site also has a full list of the OIAT members.

President Young remarked, “We will receive input from stakeholders on how we can make improvements to our system and make sure we are sensitive to the needs of our community regarding power restoration. We want to minimize the frequency and duration of outages and are excited to come together and receive stakeholder and customer input.”

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