Registration will take place between 7-9 a.m. A casting competition will also take place during that time period.
All Tennessee participants will be eligible to win a lifetime hunting and fishing license. A Grand Champion and a lifetime license will be awarded to the children with the most points.
Prizes will be awarded to the youth in each age group (6-8 or 9-12) with the most points (point total will be assigned to each species of fish and the child with the most points will be the winner). Random prize drawings will also be held during the event.
No fishing license is needed, but advance registration is required. Participants are responsible for their own rod, reel and bait.
Registration forms can be downloaded at and returned to TWRA at 200 Lowell Thomas Drive, Jackson, TN, 38301. For more information, call TWRA's Region I office at (731) 423-5725.
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