Monday, May 2, 2011

How to Shut off Utilities

In case of flooding or other emergencies, you may need to turn off your utilities. Here's how:


Anonymous said...

If someone is ordered to evacuate their home, they have a very limited time to leave.

There is no way in all that is sacred and holy on the planet, that anyone will do any of this.

No one in your coverage area should ever have to choose between spending what precious time they have in having to evacuate their home shutting things off for your company's benefit or gathering things up quickly and tending to their family and neighbors.

There is no way.

MLGW has a lot of gall.

Trust me. I have lived through hurricanes and earthquakes during the course of my day thus far. No one will or should spend what little time they may have prior to having to flee their home, contending with your aged and decrepit infrastructure.

God help you all.

MLGW said...

We have received numerous inquiries from customers about how to perform these tasks, as there is concern about water getting in gas lines. Local media has also inquired and are running stories and information about this subject. Obviously, if it's not a planned evacuation, we understand that customers may not have time.

Anonymous said...

As long as your company is able to comprehend that there could very well be some people who will be put in a position of really not having the time to contend with "that" then I guess things will be alright?

The question would be if your company would even remotely be able to handle anything like "that" at all. And, the odds are slim to none that it will. Sadly history has proven me correct on that.

Not everyone is going to be able to do what you think they can during a natural disaster. I hope that your company one day learns more about issues like these but I doubt it ever will.

Even though your company is the worse rated for residential and business consumers. You could all still try to learn more of what more modernized areas of our nation do in times of natural disaster. But, then again, the power has been blowing out for the majority of this spring because of your aged and decrepit infrastructure so you might not have the time.

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