Monday, June 2, 2008

A Possible Silver Lining?

Okay, so I'm not happy about the rising cost of gas. However, I am happy about some of the creative ways employers are trying to reduce their employees' financial burden.

According to The Dayton Daily News, many Ohio employers are offering workers the option of a four-day work week to cut their commuting costs.

At Neighborhood Development Services in suburban Cleveland, director Dave Vaughn says nearly half his staff is now putting in four, 10-hour days, or something similar, instead of the traditional Monday-Friday work week of 8-hour days.

Jen King works at the housing agency and says she figures she'll save about $40 a month going to the office just four times per week.

Kent State University is experimenting with a compressed work week, trying it out with its custodial staff. A university spokesman says 94 workers were given the option, and 78 are taking advantage.

An optional three day weekend, every week? I'll take it!

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