Thursday, May 12, 2016

MLGW and MIFA present Plus-1 Jam on Beale

Performances continue May 13-14 and May 27-28

Plus-1 Jam continues on Beale Street during May to raise funds for MIFA’s Plus-1 utility assistance program. Memphis Light, Gas and Water and MIFA are partnering to celebrate Memphis Music during Memphis in May with live music on an MLGW stage on Beale Street by the Elvis statue on the north side of MLGW’s Administration Building.

MLGW’s celebration of Memphis Music showcases local music on Friday nights and Saturdays, May 13-14 and May 27-28 during Memphis in May. Performers are donating their time and talents, and some of those acts include talented musicians who are MLGW employees.

Volunteers will pass around donation buckets so visitors to the Plus-1 music stage can make donations to help the Plus-1 program.

WHAT: Plus-1 Jam: MLGW Celebrates Memphis Music

WHEN: Fridays and Saturdays, May 13-14, May 27-28, 2016

WHERE: North Side of MLGW Administration Bldg. on Beale Street by Elvis Statue

WHO: Local musicians as well as bands that include MLGW employees

WHY: To benefit Plus-1 and MIFA (administrator of the Plus-1 program)

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