Tuesday, June 22, 2010

In the News

The Commercial Appeal's "25 Years Ago" feature had this MLGW tidbit which I found to be rather odd:
25 years ago: 1985

WASHINGTON -- Memphis Light, Gas & Water Division officials like to brag that the city's "genuine pure artesian" water is "renowned for its excellent clarity and taste." But they're being denied a chance to prove it in a taste test of water from eight cities here tomorrow. A campaign by Rep. Harold Ford of Memphis and LG&W, however, has secured a promise from the American Water Works Association for Memphis water to be considered for the contest next year in Denver. And there is solace in the fact that the defending water champion, New Orleans, has Memphis water, of a sort, because it takes its supply from the Mississippi River, into which Memphis empties its treated sewage.

Taking solace in sewage water?

There was some other odd news, but odd in a good way....FedEx's Fred Smith calls on Congress to spur development of electric vehicles!

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