Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fullilove's A/C Units

Last night, Shelvia Dancy of ABC 24 did a story on the new air conditioner initiative that was launched by City Councilwoman Janice Fullilove.

Fullilove is asking for donations of wall-unit air conditioners to be given to customers in need. Please note that these customers are being selected and identified by MIFA. MLGW is not accepting requests, however we will be happily installing these air conditioners.

Customers looking for more information should contact Sophia Wordlaw in Ms. Fullilove's office at 576-6798 or

In addition to participating in this program, MLGW has donated 200 air conditioners each year to customers selected by MIFA and CSA and we are currently installing the remaining units.

We also have a heat moratorium in order to protect customers from cutoff if the heat index is going to exceed 100 degrees during a 24 hour period (95 degrees for seniors or physically challenged customers).

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