Wednesday, February 25, 2009


So, how many of you are actually cutting your cardboard boxes down to size so they can be recycled curbside? I cut my down, but sometimes I wish they could be reused instead.

For instance, when we moved into our house a couple of years ago, we saved all of our boxes. I broke them down and stored them in our garage. A few weeks ago, friends of mine moved and I gave them all of our boxes (with the request that they either save them or properly recycle them.)

Well now there's a website that hopes to find new uses for cardboard boxes all over the country. It's called and it works like eBay, Craig’s List and Freecycle, but with a very environmental, targeted offering. You can actually buy and sell boxes, so there is a cost involved, but you can buy them for much less than brand new, and you can sell them and earn a little money if you have some to get rid of. It keeps the boxes out of landfills and fulfills the "reuse" category of reduce, reuse, recycle.

Help spread the word! I looked for boxes in the Memphis area and didn't find any listings, so let's get this going. (In the meantime, boxes can be Freecycled or listed on Craig's List.)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I know you can also donate moving boxes and packing supplies on BoxGiver

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