Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Self Portrait in Trash

More trash talk...

Our trash says a lot about us. Artist Tim Gaudreau decided to do a project based on this notion. The result Self Portrait as Revealed by Trash: 365 Days of Photographing Everything That I Throw Out is rather interesting.

In an interview, Gaudreau said that just documenting his trash was enough to make him start re-evaluating his lifestyle.

Over the course of documenting his trash, Gaudreau was so horrified by the number of bottles and cups he drank through every day (five), that he says "there came a point where I couldn't bear to admit throwing out another one." He started bringing his own mug to the coffee shop, mixing his own sports drinks and drinking tap instead of bottled water. He's calculated that with these reforms, he'll be saving over the course of his lifetime some 78,000 bottles from ever being manufactured and tossed.

Think about that when you start making your new year's resolutions!

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