Tuesday, June 3, 2008


More restaurant talk...

While we wait for restaurants to get on board with earth-friendly packaging, there is something that each one of us can do now. Ask for take-out orders ECO TO GO.

ECO TO GO is a grassroots education program started by EcoAgents in New York City as a part of its mission to protect the Amazon Rainforest and empower its indigenous communities who rely on the rainforest for sustenance and survival.

Here's how it works
When you order takeout, advise the restaurant attendant that you want your order to be ECO TO GO. Restaurants will respond by sending the food in its container in a bag, no extras, as you have all you need at home (you may need to educate the attendant). When everyone begins doing this we will be saving hundreds, thousands or millions of acres of pristine rainforests.

Don't forget to refuse the bag if you don't need it or have a reusable bag of your own.

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