Thursday, May 8, 2008

Water Conservation Tips

Water consumers can play a key role in ensuring the sustainability of their water supplies, especially as the summer months approach. Daily indoor per capita water use in the typical single family home is 69.3 gallons. Households can reduce this water use by about 35% to 45.2 gallons per day by employing conservation and water efficiency measures.

As Drinking Water Week continues, the American Water Works Association has compiled Top 10 Conservation Tips:

1. Don’t leave the sink running while you brush your teeth.

2. Fully load the dishwasher and clothes washer before running them.

3. When washing dishes by hand, don't let the water run.

4. Repair dripping faucets and leaky toilets. Dripping faucets can waste up to 2,000 gallons of water each year in the average home. Leaky toilets can waste as much as 200 gallons per day.

5. Install water-efficient appliances in your home. Look for the EPA WaterSense labels.

6. Don't over-water your lawn, and water early in the morning or at night to avoid excess evaporation.

7. When the driveway or sidewalk needs cleaning, consider a broom instead of a hose. It can save up to 80 gallons of water.

8. If you have a swimming pool, use a cover. You will cut the loss of water by evaporation by 90 percent.

9. Help preserve the quality of the available water supply by not overusing pesticides and fertilizers, avoiding flushing medications down the toilet or sink, and disposing of hazardous materials properly.

10. Place rain barrels beneath your downspouts. The rainwater can be used for outdoor plants and trees or to wash a car.

For personalized conservation tips, login to MLGW's My Account system and answer the questions related to water usage under the "Find Ways to Save" section in the home analyzer. You answer about 15 questions concerning your plumbing and outdoor water use, then receive recommendations in several categories: No Cost/Low Cost (i.e. fix leaks), Needs Investment (i.e. replace older toilets), Tips (i.e. water early in the day) and Not Cost Justified.

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