Thursday, May 15, 2008

Bike-to-Work Day, Friday, May 16

The League of American Bicyclists is promoting Bike-to-Work Day on Friday, May 16 as a part of National Bike Month.

Maria Brown, MLGW's very own bicycling enthusiast, encourages everyone to practice safety when riding their bikes...especially those who plan to bike to work on Friday.

Maria's Safety Tips

• Always wear a helmet, and protective eye wear.
• Wear the appropriate clothing.
• Be as visible as possible, which should include a reflective vest and/or LED lights (even in the daylight hours) .
• Do not ride against traffic.
• Avoid busy streets if at all possible.
• Obey all traffic laws.
• When approaching parked cars, be alert in the event someone is trying to exit out of the car.
• Make eye contact with drivers whenever possible.
• Always be aware of your surroundings.
• Leave the ipod at home. It's important that you hear what's going on around you.
• Maintain your bike. Take it to a reputable bike shop for tune-ups and maintenance issues.
• Make sure your tires are properly inflated. Check before each ride.
• Carry a saddle bag which should include a tube, tire levers, a patch kit and a mini tool kit for emergencies.
• Take a maintenance class at your local bike shop. (You'll be glad you did the next time your in the middle of nowhere and have a flat or have other minor maintenance issues.)
• Carry your ID and a few dollars just in case.
• Have fun!

If you don't get to ride your bike to work on Friday, here are 50 other ways to celebrate Bike Month.

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