Monday, May 5, 2008

Dunk Me!

The first day of our Dunk One for Plus-1, was a success! Mr. Collins was a really good sport about his fellow employees using their hard-earned cash to dunk him. He kept the crowd laughing as he heckled the ball throwers. "Plus-1! Plus-2! Plus-3! You're out!" (Since we were down in our Second Street parking lot near Beale Street and the Gibson Guitar Factory, we even had a few tourists from England and St. Louis participate!) No matter how many times he got dunked, he kept smiling and laughing as he resumed his seat in the tank.

Nick Newman, VP of Construction and Maintenance, took a turn in the booth today as well. Over the next week, various employees will be participating at different MLGW locations. All proceeds will go to Plus-1.

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