Cutting utility costs is not only good for your pocketbook, it is good for the environment. Green Gifts may not look exciting from the outside, but they can make a big difference on the outside.
Here are a few things to add to your wishlist & shopping list!
1. Programmable Thermostats are easy to install and automatically change thermostat settings throughout the day. (You won't need to run your heat all day in order to come home to warm house anymore!)
2. Compact Fluorescent Lightbulbs give the same amount and quality of light as incandescent bulbs, yet use one-quarter the amount of energy and last ten times longer.
3. Water Heater Blankets insulate your water heater for maximum efficiency, especially if it's in an unheated area of your home. (While you are loving on your water heater, change it's thermostat to 120 degrees.)
4. Reuseable Water Bottles greatly reduce the number of empty water bottles in trash cans, bushes, and recycling centers. (Besides, why pay for bottled water when you can drink pure, refreshing Memphis water right from the tap?)
5. Blocks of Green Power greatly reduce emissions. Each block is just $4/month (added to your utility bill). Buying two blocks of green power (at $8.00 per month) for one year provides the same environmental benefit as recycling 15,322 aluminum cans, or planting an acre of trees, or recycling 1,766 pounds of newspaper, or not driving your car for four months!
Happy Shopping!
A Short History of our Main Library
6 hours ago
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