Monday, January 28, 2013

Randolph pays off $20K in utility bills

From Fox News

Memphis Grizzlies' Zach Randolph paid up to $20,000 in MLGW utility bills for families who need their service restored.

The Grizzly forward spent his time after practice Thursday, visiting the homes he's hooking back up with service. While at the houses he signed autographs, cradled babies, and encouraged kids the neighborhood to stay focused.

"Come from single parent home, mom was on welfare, struggled myself so I know what it's like," Randolph said. "Been fortunate, blessed. Just like to give back because I think this something the Lord has served me to do, give back, brings me blessings in other ways. I'm here to tell you you're a blessing to me."

RAndolph donated $20,000 to Metropolitan Inter-Faith ASsociation (MIFA) to be allocated to 100 homes in the Memphis area, as part of their MLGW Plus-1 program, which is a program administered by MIFA to pay utility services for those in need.

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