With fall and cooler temperatures just around the corner, MLGW is now scheduling pilot safety inspections for its natural gas customers. Customers can schedule appointments for the pilot safety inspections, which will continue through February 28, 2013.
Appointments scheduled between September 4 and October 1 are free. Appointments scheduled between October 2 and December 31 will incur a $45 fee. The fee will be billed to the customer's account and covers up to three gas heating appliances. Each additional appliance over three will incur an additional $16 fee. The service is free to customers 60 years and older and the physically challenged.
To schedule an appointment, customers can call 820-7878 to choose a date and time. Customers can also use our Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system (IVR) to schedule an appointment. Customers will need their 16-digit account numbers when using this system.
Customers may schedule an appointment for a Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday for one of the following time slots:
• 8 a.m. - Noon
• Noon - 4 p.m.
• 4 p.m. - 8 p.m.
• Saturday appointments are either 8 a.m. - noon or noon - 4 p.m.
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