Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Employee Spotlight: Cass Thomas


Cass Thomas, Gas Construction & 
Maintenance Planner Coordinator   

When employees have a question regarding gas, chances are Cass Thomas has the answer. He’s covered a lot of territory in the last 28 years.

Cass started working at MLGW on June 8, 1992, as a Gas Utility Worker. He was promoted to Gas

Machine Operator, Gas Crew Leader, Gas Inspector (WOC), Gas Safety Specialist (WOC), Gas Foreman, Gas General Foreman, Gas General Supervisor (WOC) and finally in 2012, Gas Construction and Maintenance Planner Coordinator in the Construction & Maintenance Gas Division.

The best part of his job:
The best part of my job has been learning the gas system from the construction and engineering point of view. The ability to be able to help the younger employees (engineering and construction) and to pass on some of my leadership skills and decision making abilities is always a true blessing. I get a chance to help our wonderful customers solve problems, concerns and any general questions they may have. I enjoy interacting with different employees at various levels of the Division and/or other external leaders from various industries. I spend a lot of time interacting with our customers (internal & external) and find joy in using my experience, education, and overall natural leadership skills to improve MLGW and our customers’ experiences.

How COVID has affected his work:
The pandemic has added challenges for this Gas Planner Coordinator. I have had to be creative in meeting employees and customers in the field/office for discussion and guiding points while social distancing. The pandemic created distance in our interaction with employees and customers; evidence of this is general office and preconstruction meetings, which are totally virtual now. Also, the Gas Division has added the Street Construction Dept. as part of its Division, which has increased my work load of answering customers’ complaints, concerns and general questions.
Whenever you take on additional responsibilities, you will incur stress. You must be willing and able to go the extra mile to satisfy the customer and maintain the positive image of MLGW.  I have enjoyed my tenure at MLGW and still look forward to helping the customers daily.
Something most of his coworkers don't know about him:
I began my career at MLGW in 1992 with only a high school education. I was able to work full time while going back to school at night to obtain four college degrees including a Bachelors in Business Administration -- Management in 2002 and an MBA in 2004. 
What we can find him doing on a Saturday afternoon:
On Saturday, you can find me walking/running in the park early morning, then fixing things around the house or watching college football.
And finally, his hidden/secret talents:
I think my hidden talent is natural leadership and being athletic. I have been a leader on every team I have ever played on since my early school days and I have spent most of my years at MLGW in leadership positions. I played sports all of my younger life (basketball, football etc.). I coached youth basketball and football for years to help mentor the youth while teaching them about sports and life lessons. I try to instill in the youth that it’s not where you come from, it’s where you want to go in life and how hard you are willing to work.


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