Wednesday, April 22, 2020

It's Earth Day!

We only have one earth, but there are lots of us! What activities do you have planned to celebrate the 50th anniversary of our beautiful Earth? We hope you'll engage in activities that help protect and restore our state and our planet, while practicing social distancing. Here are some ideas you might consider:

·       Boost your mood and get some fresh air by going on a walk at lunch or in the evening with family

·       Grow a vegetable or herb garden - great for your physical and mental health

·       For take-out orders, opt out of disposable utensils and straws

·       Meal-plan before buying groceries and keep a running list of groceries that are enjoyed in your house

·       Don't throw out overripe fruit, make popsicles with it 

·       Do a plastic audit to begin reducing plastic at home 

·       Use food waste as compost for your garden

·       Develop a storm water runoff plan

·       Unsubscribe from junk mail 

·       Switch to reusable bags

·       Switch to e-books 

·       Repurpose jars

·       Plant a tree

Other ideas for celebrating Earth Day can be accessed by clicking here, here, and here!

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