Friday, December 27, 2019

Spread the Warmth

MLGW's Procurement and Contracts department held its third annual Spread the Warmth blanket and soup giveaway for the disadvantaged on December 13, 2019 in Miller Park. Word got out and a stream of very grateful Memphians came by to enjoy the hot soup and hot chocolate on a cold day. They also received blankets to help them stay warm these cold winter nights.
Annie Mathis, Purchasing, (wearing blue and gray) prayed for and encouraged one of the ladies who received food and a blanket in the park during the Spread the Warmth event. 

Demetria Bowers-Adair and Camela Mitchell, both in Purchasing, spearheaded the event and said "thank you to the entire Division and members of the community for your generous donations that helped us give more than 90 blankets and feed soup and chili to more than 100 men and women in need." 
Front row: Shanikka Tate, Contract Management, Verkisserous Thompson, Contract Management, A’ricka Jackson, Purchasing, Demetria Bowers- Adair, Purchasing; Back row: Thaddeus Seaberry, Purchasing, Dorothy Coleman, Contract Management, Camela Mitchell, Purchasing, Tiffany Byrd, Supplier Diversity, Clifton Davis, Procurements Contracts and Supplier Diversity
 #MLGW #MLGWNews #ServingYouIsWhatWeDo

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