Tuesday, July 31, 2018

MLGW Reaches $1 Million in Renewable Credits

(L to R:)  MLGW Board Chairman Steven Wishnia, Jude Mariea with CenterPoint, Michael Taylor, Commercial, and Industrial Customer Care and President and CEO J.T. Young

Michael Taylor presented the MLGW Board of Commissioners with the recently received 2018 Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Award (Pursuit of Excellence). The award recognized MLGW for success in providing 100 percent renewable vehicle fuel in the form of Compressed Natural Gas and Liquified Natural Gas.

By working with CenterPoint Energy Services to acquire the renewable natural gas, significant revenue was created through the EPA's Renewable Identification Number program. RINS, as it is called, represent the currency of compliance under EPA. Jude Mariea with CenterPoint was on hand to present the board with a symbolic check for $1.2 million representing the RINs revenue MLGW has received to date since the arrangement started in November 2015.


  1. اليكم كوبون خصم فوغا كلوسيت الذي يوفر لكم خصومات علي جميع المنتجت و يمكنك شراء جميع لوازم اسرتك من خصم اتش اند ام بارخص الاسعار مختلف لوازم المرأة من ملابس من ارقي الماركات و حقائب لليد و عطور و زيوت للشعر و مستحضرات تجميل و عدسات لاصقة و كريمات و غيرها و يمكنك منموقع اكس سايت شراء كاميرك الخاصه و يوفر لك كوبون خصم العربية للطيران تخفيضات علي جميع الرحلات و الفنادق
