Friday, April 3, 2015

Plus-1 Push on April 7th

On April 7, MIFA and MLGW will host our third telethon in support of Plus-1 on WREG Channel 3. Plus-1 is not an entitlement program, but rather one that helps keep the power on for families when a crisis like a job loss or a medical emergency hits.
Give to Plus-1
Your gift to Plus-1 will go straight to helping families in crisis. There are two safe, easy ways to give:
1.      Add $1 or more per month to your MLGW bill. Sign up here!

Plus-1 by the Numbers
·         In 2014, Plus-1 kept the lights on for over 2,400 families.

·         Memphis Light, Gas and Water customers fund the program through one-time donations or by adding a dollar or more to their utility bill each month.

Your donation of $200 could help keep the lights on for a family.

·         In FY14 MIFA received over 15,900 requests for financial assistance.

·         Loss of utilities is often a contributing factor to homelessness.

·         Top reasons for assistance include: Medical crisis – 35%; Employment related loss of income – 33%; and Disaster (fire, theft) – 5%;  Disabled & over 60 –23%

·         Plus-1 Works! 80% of clients with active utility services were still connected 180 days after assistance, 90% were still connected after 90 days.

·         The Plus-1 program offers one-time assistance. It serves as a "stop gap" measure to those in need, not an on-going source of assistance.

·         Customers living in Shelby County are eligible for assistance once every two years.

·         To receive assistance, families must document a crisis such as debilitating illness or recent unemployment occurred within last 90 days.

·         Eligibility is based on crisis - not based on income.

·         During FY14, the total MLGW bad debt avoided by MIFA assistance was over $732,000.

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