Thursday, February 6, 2014

Feb. 6th Update on MLGW's Relaxed Deferred Payment Plan

On January 27, 2014, MLGW activated its Relaxed Deferred Payment Plan (DEFB) which basically allowed its customers with a balance of $250 (normally $500) or more to spread their balance over five months (up to nine months if the monthly Deferred Payment amount was $500 or more).
Since the activation 10 days ago, MLGW has helped 1,524 of its customers avoid being disconnected.

194 customers were approved yesterday, Feb. 5th, for the Relaxed DEFB, thereby avoding having their services disconnected for non-payment.

Normally, MLGW issues about 40 DEFBs per day. However, since MLGW relaxed the DEFB rules on January 27th, to date 1,524 DEFBs have been issued with $144,307 being financed, i.e. 194 DEFBs per day -- averaging $752 per DEFB.

MLGW's "Relaxed" Deferred Payment Plan ends February 28, 2014, then we revert back to the normal DEFB which requires a balance of $500 or more and is spread over a total of five months.


  1. My bill is currently over $500. Will there be any cutoffs this month? I am trying to divide the payment into two payments, to bring it up to date.

  2. Cut offs based on weather are determined each day. Please call 544-6549 or come in to a Community Office.

  3. Ok. Is this to qualify for a payment plan, because I wasn't eligible for a payment plan via the web since I had received a cut off notice?

  4. I am simply asking you to call or come in to discuss your bill if you are worried about a cut off. We will cut off if the temperatures warm up.
